vivo today announced its flagship X80 and X80 Pro smartphones for the global markets, after the phones were introduced in China last month. The phones feature a 6.78-inch 120Hz curved E5 AMOLED screen. The X80 has an FHD+ screen with an optical fingerprint scanner, and the Pro has a Quad HD+ screen with ultrasonic fingerprint … Continue reading "vivo X80 Pro with 6.78″ QHD+ 120Hz LTPO AMOLED display, Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 and vivo X80 with Dimensity 9000 announced for global markets"
The post vivo X80 Pro with 6.78″ QHD+ 120Hz LTPO AMOLED display, Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 and vivo X80 with Dimensity 9000 announced for global markets first appeared on Fone Arena.