
Monday, 21 January 2019

Telegram v5.2 update expands group limit to 200,000 members, ability to recover deleted chats and more

Telegram is bringing new group permissions which would allow admins to restrict all members from posting specific kinds of content. Or even restrict members from sending messages altogether. Telegram is bumping up the group limit to 200,000 members. To make managing groups more enjoyable, Telegram has streamlined all group interfaces, including the Settings screens, Admin pan, ls and Member lists. Supergroups and basic groups are now simply groups. Telegram will no show a prompt when you are about to delete chat or clear chat history; you'll get a detailed confirmation dialog and an option to restore the chat within the next 5 seconds. Telegram now lets you sort your contacts by names, by last seen time on both iOS and Android. To speed up the large media downloads, Telegram is improving its animation algorithms and adding an ultra-light thumbnail to each photo and video. The Android app also allows you to set up a profile picture when you create an account. The new group permissions also work in Telegram Desktop. Additionally, version V1.5.8 introduces support for automatically downloading files and music and choosing input and output devices for Telegram Calls. Source