
Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Google Earth measure tool for Android and Chrome released, coming to iOS soon

Google today is introducing a new Google Earth measure tool for Chrome and Android. This tool will allow users to measure the distances between two points on Google Earth. Google says that this move comes as it remains the most requested features as it brings the ability to measure a certain area and measure the distance on Google Earth. How can you measure in Google Earth on Android or Chrome: On your Android phone or tablet / Desktop, open the Google Earth. Search for a place, or select a location on the globe At the top, tap More   Measure on Android /  On the left, click Measure distance . Google Earth will switch to a top-down view on Desktop To add measurement points, move the map and tap Add point on Android / Click the map to set measurement points on Desktop To remove a point, at the top, tap Undo . When finished, at the top, tap Done . On the bottom, you’ll see the distance measurement on Android / To complete your line measurement, double-click on your last point, or click Done  on Desktop This feature would allow you to check the size of a park in your neighborhood, know answers to which city is bigger. It also gets the ...