
Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Google Duo 36 confirms multi-device and tablet support, drops support for Jelly Bean

Google Duo has received a new update with version number V36, and this seems to be a small service update that doesn't bring major changes to the table. However, it marks the end of Jelly Bean support and sets KitKat (4.4) as the oldest officially supported version. The end of Jelly Bean support doesn't mean that the won't work anymore. Instead,  it will no longer receive updates to the app. It also stands as a reason that the app will eventually adopt new protocols and codecs for audio and video that might no longer be compatible. Now to the stuff lying underneath, we have always known that Google Duo will have multi-device and tablet support. The addition of Google account support made us log into a phone and tablet at the same time with the same account and use them seamlessly. Since Play Store on tablets didn't have Google Duo listing, side-loading was the only way to go. The new update comes with some new and updated text that suggests the team is almost ready to unveil tablet support. The big addition points out that users can make and receive calls on tablets. In fact, the new version adds that you can sign into "other devices" with the same account. ...